Author - Moogsoft Team

Sometimes in DevOps, things go so terribly sideways it can feel like a caricature of a cliche. In internet parlance, it's reached meme status.

WTF Moments in DevOps

Working in a DevOps-cultured organization entails collaboration, productivity, and agility. However, anyone who's worked on the front line has likely faced adversity on the job and caught themselves saying, "WTF?!" To bring humor to those frustrating moments, the Moogsoft team has encapsulated several of those situations...

Announcing Moogsoft AIOps v6.1.0 (ESR5), Now Available!

The Moogsoft engineering team has been hard at work developing a new release — Moogsoft AIOps 6.1.0 (ESR5) — which adds a number of improvements and fixes. This release been subjected to an extended QA cycle involving regression, performance, stability, and extended browser support testing to...
Keep sensitive data private — allow only relevant operators access to unique customer info while troubleshooting incidents.

Product Update: Private Teams

Here at Moogsoft, we’re constantly releasing new features and enhancements to help the ITOps and DevOps communities detect and resolve IT incidents faster and more effectively. In the case of Service Providers (Service Integration, Network, and Cloud), customer data can be sensitive. Different operations teams typically...
True Digital Transformation requires a mix of modern technology and approaches.

Keeping IT Real: Creating a Functioning, Truly Digital Enterprise

Today’s technology vendors and IT consultants are constantly claiming to have the secret to true digital transformation for Enterprise. But IT leaders are now seeing past this hype, and they need a realistic path to move forward. On Thursday, December 8, Intellyx Principal Analyst Charles Araujo,...
A lack of knowledge capture, inevitable blame-gaming & general inefficiency are reminders that bridge calls are painfully outdated.

The Challenge with Telephone Conference Bridges

Despite what it might look like from outside the industry, in IT we don’t change things around just because we feel like it. If there were such a thing as Sysadmin Club, Rule One would be “if it works, don’t touch it.” Change is not...
Why you shouldn’t try to build your own event management tool.

The Right Tool for the Job

IT is pretty complex, and getting more so every year as we add more and more layers of abstraction between users and machinery. Each of those layers — hardware, operating systems, hypervisors, container platforms, cloud platforms, middleware, PaaS, applications — needs to be monitored and...
It’s impossible to anticipate every potential IT network incident, but traditional approaches only work for anticipated incidents.

Unknown Knowns & Unknown Unknowns

A colleague of mine likes to explain the value of Moogsoft by referring to the ex-US Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld: “…As we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say...
Focusing on the information available can blind IT Operations to what is actually causing their users’ problems.

How to Fix Problems You Don’t See (Yet)

It’s not an easy life in IT operations. Sometimes it can feel like your reward for fixing one problem is that two or three more take its place in your queue. The big screen at the head of the room always seems to be just...
Big Data is not the goal, it’s how we reach the goal. Do you know what the goal is?

Big Data Gnomes

A conversation I seem to be having a lot these days is about Big Data. People will ask me to come in and present to them what we can do for their Big Data project, and how we compare with some of the dedicated platforms...
What Ops can learn from the Limpet Mine: Take commodity components, add ingenuity, and you can achieve big results.

Taking Out Battleships with a Washing-Up Bowl & Some Candy

The important parts of DevOps are not about creating fancy new tools or systems. In fact, if anyone attempts to sell you a tool to “do the DevOps,” hurry in the other direction (after first checking that you still have your wallet). Rather, DevOps is...
Dell Technologies acquires Moogsoft August 11th 2023
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